Where Do You Get Your Information?

One of the rewarding and fun projects I have been involved with for the past 2 years has been the development of a YouTube video program called “Inside the Doctors” Lounge.”

“The Lounge” is part of a bigger project called MD Coaches and is a talk show–like forum that takes place in an imaginary doctors’ lounge within the YouTube universe. Anyone who has spent time in a doctors’ lounge understands it is a place of respite and where discussions with colleagues can cover a wide range of topics, but most importantly, there is no associated fear of violating HIPAA or other repercussion. Everyone in the Lounge has an opinion, and discussions can become spirited, whether in agreement or not.

My colleagues (Rhonda Crowe, Randy Cook, Rick Zollinger and Dael Waxman) and I recently … read more