Restoring the Wound Base: The Role of Tissue Management

Successful utilization of the TIME model for wound bed preparation requires a working knowledge of chronic wound tissue types. In addition, building on this foundational knowledge is the development of accurate wound assessment skills. These components combined will assist the clinician in implementing the appropriate interventions for each wound.


Viable Chronic Wound Tissue Types
The term “viable” describes vascular tissue with dynamic biological activity.


Epithelium: This should be dry to touch and can appear white or light pink; it is composed of restratified keratinocytes arising from the basement membrane of the dermis.


Granulation: This appears light pink to red and should be moist with a bumpy texture. Capillaries give granulation tissue its characteristic color, and collagen made from fibroblasts provides structural support. If granulation tissue is pale (poor perfusion), dark red or ruddy (vascular congestion or stasis), or “bubbly” or friable (bleeds with very gentle contact), it is technically considered non-viable because it will not support migrating epithelial cells … read more