Wound care education in the developing world

The increasing burden of wound care is a major challenge for healthcare systems worldwide (Sen et al, 2009). In developing countries, there is insufficient capacity to meet patient requirements. Inadequate wound care is not, however, without consequences. In many developing countries, treatable injuries and wounds are the leading cause of death and disability in the under 60s.


Extent of the wound care burden In 2013, over 10% of the world’s population lived in extreme poverty on less than $1.90 per day (World Bank Group, 2016). A minimum of US$44 per capita is required per year to provide basic life-saving health services, however 26 World Health Organization (WHO) states spend less than this, with Eritrea spending the least at US$12 per person (WHO, 2014). Moreover, it is estimated that up to half the world’s population lacks access to basic wound care (Meara et al, 2015), although there is scant literature concerning its epidemiology and natural history, cost-effectiveness or the delivery of services … read more