Meet The First Wound-Care Certified LPN aka “WOuNDER Woman”

By Portia Wofford


Have you ever been the first to achieve a great feat? Do you remember all the naysayers and those “encouraging” you to pursue other avenues? The self-doubt, that nagging lump at the bottom of your throat, the second-guessing you plagued yourself with? Despite it all, you kept swimming and here you are, a badass!


I thought of these things when I met Cheryl Carver or as her friends and colleagues call her- ‘WOuNder WOMAN!’ Cheryl is a nationally renowned wound care specialist and expert, published writer, educator, and LPN!


Life Doesn’t Always Go As Planned


Cheryl’s nursing career began when she served in the Army, while stationed in Germany. She received a life-changing phone call that her mother had a stroke. She rushed home to be her mother’s caregiver. After a year, her mother died in Cheryl’s arms due to complications of diabetes and pressure ulcers/osteomyelitis/sepsis … read more