The Importance of Standardization in Pressure Injury Risk Assessment

Pressure injuries are common among patients who experience extended exposure to pressure on a bony prominence or shear to areas of poor turgor, two factors that lead to constriction of a patient’s blood supply to the exposed area. A patient who is bedridden or has certain chronic conditions, such as diabetes,1 is more likely to develop a pressure injury. When mechanical force is imposed on the skin, it can result in poor blood flow and damage to the bone-muscle interface, thus making tissue sensitive and painful. For patients with limited mobility, this can be especially frustrating because they may not be able to adjust positions or medical equipment. If pressure injuries are left untreated or unnoticed, they can also become infected and even enter muscle and bone. Risk assessment tools are available to assess pressure injury risk and can work in tandem with practice standardization, thereby leading to effective treatment plans for practitioners and patients … read more

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