Tag: Traci A. Kimball

Toils From the Wound Wizard: Things I Wish I Knew When I Got Started

Traci A. Kimball, MD, CWSP


Wound medicine is a vital, youthful, evolving—yet highly underserved—medical specialty practiced by passionate, experienced providers. The credentialing pathway is long, arduous, and ambiguous. Many times this pathway is not recognized by payers, credentialing committees, or medical boards nationally and on a local level.

Many organizations and individuals “hang a shingle” to practice wound management but are not adjudicated by an accepted credentialing authority (ie, American Board of Wound Management, American Board of Wound Medicine and Surgery). This places those organizations and individuals at risk for reimbursement denial from payers … read more

Scoop of Practice Episode 1: Designing a Wound Career

During my reflections on my Designing Your Life1 immersion experience I referenced my mother’s great words of wisdom: “if you love your profession then it really isn’t work. If you put your best foot forward and work hard you can achieve miracles.” … Choosing to become a doctor was not a difficult decision at all. Perhaps growing up with a father whose passion in life was to study the inner workings of a car to fix a malfunction underlay my own fascinations with what is going on under the hood. My mother was a medical administrator and because of my parents’ examples as compassionate and dedicated life mentors, I am the person I am today. I also draw upon my work mentors as I travel along my odyssey … read more