Tag: Hayley Ryan

Untreated chronic wounds cost Australia billions, medical groups say | ABC News

Medical groups say untreated chronic wounds are costing the Australian health systems $3 billion a year. Subscribe: http://ab.co/1svxLVE
Around Australia there are 420,000 people living with chronic wounds, with those living outside the big cities, poorer people and First nations people the worst affected.
Hayley Ryan, chair of advocacy group Wounds Australia, speaks with ABC News.

A tool to promote patient and informal carer involvement for shared wound care

Shared wound care encompasses approaches and interventions that enable patients to participate in care planning and delivery, rather than just being a passive recipient of services provided. A key step in facilitating greater shared care is identifying the individuals (patients and informal carers) who would be good candidates to be involved in shared wound care. An international survey was conducted to help identify the characteristics that may indicate an individual’s suitability to participate in shared wound care. The results of which informed the development of a guide that clinicians can use to direct discussion to better understand patient and informal carer suitability for shared wound care and identify the approaches and interventions that may be suited to the patient and informal carer’s needs … read more