Tag: Arthur M. Goldstein

Wound Care Technology: Advanced Tissue Therapeutics

Human knowledge is growing exponentially. This explosion is clearly evident in the field of Medicine. We hear almost daily about advances in cardiovascular and oncologic treatments. Medicine appears to be on the verge of extending human life well beyond 100 years. Fortunately, Wound Care physicians and their patients are also reaping the benefits of this rapid knowledge advancement. In the last decade, key elements in the body’s cellular healing processes have been elucidated. A major thrust has been in the development of human tissue therapies … Wounds heal in an orderly and progressive set of overlapping phases. Failure of these normal processes will lead to formation of a chronic ulcer (defined as non-healing after 30 days). Recent trends in chronic wound care have been in the use of “biologic” grafts to help restore the normal healing sequence … read more

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