Tag: aplasia cutis congenita

Extensive Type V Aplasia Cutis Congenita Without Fetus Papyraceus or Placental Infarction

Aplasia cutis congenita (ACC) is a congenital disorder characterized by the absence of epidermis, dermis, and sometimes subcutaneous tissue and bone. There are nine types of ACC based on the number and location of the lesions as well as the presence or absence of associated deformities, with type I ACC being the most common. Type V affects the trunk with a characteristic pattern resembling the “H” letter of the alphabet, generally accompanied by fetus papyraceus (death of one of the twin fetuses) or placental infarction. Type V ACC without fetus papyraceus and placental infarction is a rare case. We reported a case of type V ACC in a 3-day-old baby girl, with clinical manifestation of extensive ulcers on the scalp, back, buttocks, and both lower extremities, in an “H”-shaped pattern, with history of placenta accreta, but no fetus papyraceus or placental infarction was found. The patient received dialkyl carbamoyl chloride hydrophobic swab with hydrogel (Sorbact® gel dressing-BSN Medical) and hydrocolloid wound dressing with good response, as indicated by the wounds becoming dried up … read more