A Case Study of Chronic Wound Management

Mr. King presented with 3 wounds located on the medial and lateral aspects of both ankles. Each wound was present for more than 3 years. In that time, he had been seen by 14 wound care physicians and another 8 podiatric and surgical specialists, in the outpatient setting. His care also included home health nursing visits for over 2 years, most commonly with daily dressing changes ordered by the many physicians trying to treat him … At 77 years old, he has many comorbidities that can impair wound healing such as; PAD, PVD, IDDM II, HDL, CKD II, HTN, Varicose Veins and uncontrolled chronic pitting edema. As a result of his wounds not healing, he was no stranger to receiving poor prognoses on the outcomes and resolution of his wounds. Because of poor choices in treatments and a lack of holistic care, more often, his wounds would get worse not better and in some cases Mr. King was told, “there’s nothing I can do, your wounds are not going to heal,” or “you’re going to lose your legs.” Most of the physicians he saw wanted to do some type of surgery or skin grafts. But Mr. King had known too many people that went in for a surgery on the leg or foot, trying to heal a wound, and ended up with an amputation … read more