Compression Therapy to Manage Edema for Patients With Diabetic Ulcers

Lucian G. Vlad, MD


The use of compression in controlling venous reflux is well known. Less well-known is the use of compression wraps to manage edema associated with diabetic ulcers, which may or may not be combined with venous conditions.1,2 It was estimated that 38% to 55% of patients with diabetic foot ulcers have lymphedema complications.3,4 Among patients with venous leg ulcers, at least 23% to 27% have diabetes.5,6 It is clear there is an overlap between these two types of chronic wounds as they share some common pathophysiologic conditions such as obesity, decreased physical activity, and cardiovascular concerns. The use of compression wraps to control edema and reduce venous congestion could facilitate wound healing by improving microcirculatory skin changes associated with diabetes. Wounds in patients with diabetes have varying degrees of lymphedema related to periwound swelling and glycocalyx dysfunction. According to the International Working Group on Diabetes,7 the use of knee-high offloading boots … read more