SIERRA MADRE, Calif., Oct. 27, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Delayed wound care can mean a limb or a life, many times both, for a patient with a non-healing wound. With the rate of patients living with a chronic wound nearing the 7 million mark in the United States, and 2 million of those suffering from a diabetic foot ulcer, the need for advanced wound care is greater than ever.

Wound care is vital for patients and their communities. Keeping every center open and financially viable has been our mission for 20 years. Today we give back some of that wisdom, knowledge, and experience from 20 years of supporting wound centers. This free crash course is for hospital leaders, future leaders, or anyone interested in wound care. 🎬 Watch Now:
However, in the midst of this “silent” epidemic, wound care programs are finding themselves having to fight to keep their doors open. And when they are open, many are without the support they deserve. Which is why keeping every center open and financially viable has been our mission for the last 20 years. Within these trying times, we want to offer more than just words of wisdom with our “Steal This” series available to all wound care programs throughout the nation.

Steal this Crash Course. 🎬 Watch our crash course for free:
“Steal This” is exactly what it sounds like. We want all programs to steal our ready-made resources and wound care education to use immediately. This is in hopes to help ease some of the stress wound care programs are facing in today’s world, and be a figure of support to all in the industry.
The first “Steal This” will be the release of the Program Leadership Crash Course series. In this free course for industry leaders, we help navigate the challenges of day to day tasks, and will cover all aspects of running a successful program. Along with each topic is a supplemental resource book that includes need to know information, questions you should be asking yourself, and action steps to do today. Steal it, use it, and heal more wounds with the Program Leadership crash course where we give back the wisdom, knowledge, and experience we’ve gained through-out the 20 years of supporting wound centers.
For more information about Crash Course, please visit
About Wound Care Advantage:
Founded in 2002, Wound Care Advantage (WCA) has been supporting wound centers for 20 years. With a strong commitment to care and innovation, WCA advocates for the financial independence of partner hospitals and the rapid healing of patients they serve. Wound Care Advantage is a privately held company headquartered in Sierra Madre, California. For additional information, visit
SOURCE Wound Care Advantage
This article was originally published here