The impact of a vegan diet in the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes: A systematic review

Vegan diets have gained a lot of popularity around the world, mostly in America. About 6% of Americans claim that they are vegans. That is a 600% increase in veganism from 2017 to 2021. There are many reasons that people nowadays are adopting a vegan diet and it includes health and ethical reasons. One of the health reasons that this review refers to is type 2 diabetes. There have been previous studies of what a vegan diet has on the health and the prevention of metabolic syndrome. There have been studies that showed that the risk of cancer can be reduced on a vegan diet, but is still under debate that this is the main reason for it. The review aimed to show studies between vegan diets and see if there is a reduction in risk for type 2 diabetes … read more