Kristin Fuller, MD
Mr. K. was a 37-year-old male who I saw in my clinic for uncontrolled type-2 diabetes. Every time he came in, his HbA1c and rapid glucose were off the charts. He had multiple hospital admissions for diabetic ketoacidosis, and already had two toes amputated due to severe peripheral arterial disease, a known diabetes complication … One day, a surgeon called to inform me that Mr. K. was in the hospital and would be undergoing a below-the-knee amputation (BKA) due to extremely poor circulation as a result of poor glycemic control. The surgeon initially tried to blame me for not having my patient on the proper diabetic regimen. I explained that I had consistently tried to work with Mr. K., and he was stubbornly non-compliant with his diet and insulin regimen … read more
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