Risk Factors for PAD Development

Manesh Patel MD, Christopher Granger MD and Larry Allen MD


One thing that you mentioned about risk factors is interesting, and I’m going to ask Larry, how do you usually think about comorbidities, including heart failure? I tell our fellows in clinic, if the patients don’t smoke and don’t have diabetes, those are overrepresented in PAD [peripheral artery disease]. This comes from data that are a bit older, but the PARTNERS study where they evaluated patients doing an ABI [ankle-brachial index] in primary care clinics, about 7000 patients, and they found that a quarter of them had PAD. If they were 50 years old and over, they tested whether they had diabetes and tobacco use, or over 70. Unrecognized PAD probably exists in about a quarter [of patients] in our primary care clinics, and it fits with these comorbidities … read more

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