Hematoma of the Lower Extremity: Operative Interventions in the Wound Clinic Setting

Hematoma in the soft tissue, a swelling in the tissue caused by bleeding, is not an uncommon occurrence following trauma or operative procedures. Hematomas of the extremities can be seen in as many as 33 per 10 000 individuals annually. Most hematomas are considered to be minor problems following the initial injury; however, accumulation of blood in the tissues can result in necrosis of the overlying skin due to increased tissue pressure which occludes the subdermal and dermal capillaries. Even in the absence of increased tissue pressure, multiple cellular and biochemical changes that can result in tissue ischemia and necrosis have been identified. Platelets and white blood cells in the wound can release inflammatory cytokines, proteolytic enzymes, and toxic reactive oxygen species causing significant tissue damage … read more

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