In 2019, the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) reported that over 77 million individuals have diabetes in India, which will increase to over 100 million by 2030 (IDF, 2019). Of these people with diabetes, 25% will develop a diabetic foot ulcer (DFU), equating to 5 million by 2030. Overall, half of ulcers become infected during the healing process, necessitating hospitalisation, while 20% of these patients require amputation. DFUs contribute to approximately 80% of all non-traumatic amputations performed annually in India (Ghosh and Valia, 2017). It is indicated that social epidemiology regarding DFU in India differs from the West due to many factors including socio-economic and cultural factors. This can lead to significant delay in specialist referral, with patients still relying on treatment based on local ethnic methods and not based on scientific data. This results in patients presenting with highly infected ulcers (Rastogi and Bhansali, 2016) … read more