Diabetic Foot Ulcers Heal Quickly with Nitric Oxide Technology

Editors Note: This article starts by claiming that “15% of 425 million people in the U.S. living with diabetes develop foot ulcers”. So ….


15% of the 425 million people in the U.S. living with diabetes develop foot ulcers. This is called diabetic foot ulcers, and it is said to increase the risk of death on a person by up to 2.5 times. Treating the ulcer with current means takes around 120 days … Now, with a nitric oxide-releasing technology, a team of biometric engineers say they can reduce the healing time of this diabetic foot ulcer by 99 days – that is from 120 to only 21 days … In the quest to lower these expenses, experts from Michigan Technological University have created what they call a nitric oxide-laden bandage that monitors, adjusts and releases the chemical, based on the need or depending on the state of the cells … To arrive at that, they first investigated what goes inside the skin cells when nitric oxide was introduced. In this case, the focus was on dermal fibroblast cells, which they analyzed on both normal and diabetic human cells … read more