Use of ALLEVYN LIFE foam dressing to manage a heavily exudating venous leg ulcer

A 62-year-old man presented with a left lower leg venous ulcer on the shin. The ulcer had high exudate levels, which was resulting in strike-through of dressings and there was some evidence of surrounding skin maceration. Investigations revealed an ankle brachial pressure index (ABPI) of 1.4. ALLEVYN◊ LIFE Non-Bordered foam dressing (Smith & Nephew) was selected to manage and absorb high-levels of exudate and minimise the risk of trauma to the fragile surrounding skin. Multi-layer compression therapy was also used. After 3 weeks, the ulcer had reduced in size and there was a visible improvement in viable skin [Figures 2–5]. The patient found the dressing comfortable with excellent conformability to the lower leg and minimal pain on dressing removal …

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